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About Us

Good Times,
Great Service

Barber Tools

    6 Years before I had my twins I began barbering by going broad in the haircuts I did. Lacking focus I did every haircut that came my way. In my veteran years it's paying dividends to my client base. Any and every style. Tired of your hairstyle? Transformations are the most fun

After 10 years of studying and perfecting my craft in barbering and customer service I'm ready to take the next step and I'm inviting you along for the ride.

Now that my craft is of top shelf caliber, I can focus on the "business" of barbering. What's the point of being great at your craft if nobody knows it. Here's where the internet comes in

Chisel is where I will transfer my skills and my values into a culture I can share with more people. 

With Dedication,

Eder Garcia


Eder Garcia

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